Failed to get

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January 13, 2014


Failed to get configuration file

When trying to launch Process Configuration Console, Process Administrator or Process Designer from WorkplaceXT, you might be prompted a login dialog and after submit login request the system reports error saying “Failed to get configuration file” event though the credential is correct

  • IBM FileNet P8 Platform version 5.2 (or 5.0/5.1)
  • WebSphere 8.5
  • WorkplaceXT
  • JRE at client machine: 7

Root Cause

There could be one of the following reasons:

  1. JSESSONId cookies are different for each request because HTTPOnlyCookies is enable.
  2. Java security at client site


To resolve, follow steps below to disable HTTPOnlyCookies. This is to resolve the issue for root cause #1.

  1. Check for “” in Security > Global Security > Custom properties.  If found, delete it.
  2. Check for the custom property “” in Server > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server_name > Web Container Settings > Web Container > Custom properties.  If found, delete it.
  3. Go to Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications > Workplace XT > Modules >Manage Modules > WorkplaceXT > Session Management.
  4. Under General Properties, check the box next to “Override session management” and click Apply.
  5. Enable cookies should be checked. Click the “Enable cookies” link in the Session tracking mechanism section.
  6. Under General properties, verify that Cookie name is set to JSESSIONID and uncheck “Restrict cookies to HTTPS sessions” and “Set session cookies to HTTPONly to help prevent cross-site scripting attacks” (WAS 8.x)
  7. Go to Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications > Workplace XT > Web Module Properties >Session Management.
  8. Under General Properties, check the box next to “Override session management” and click Apply.
  9. Enable cookies should be checked. Click the Enable cookies link in the Session tracking mechanism section.
  10. Under General properties, verify that the Cookie name is set to JSESSIONID and uncheck “Restrict cookies to HTTPS sessions” and “Set session cookies to HTTPONly to help prevent cross-site scripting attacks” (WAS 8.x) and click Apply.
  11. Save the changes to the master configuration and restart WebSphere. If the application is running in a cluster, all nodes and the deployment manager must be restarted.
  12. Clear the Java cache at the browser level

The root cause #2 is mostly happening on client machine which is running with JRE 7. To resolve it, make the following change

  1. Open file $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/
  2. Set “jdk.certpath.disabledAlgorithms=” (empty) instead of “jdk.certpath.disabledAlgorithms=MD2?


2 Responses to Failed to get

  1. Pingback: FileNet CPIT 5.2.1 | Ian Wilson

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