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January 13, 2014
Failed to get configuration file
When trying to launch Process Configuration Console, Process Administrator or Process Designer from WorkplaceXT, you might be prompted a login dialog and after submit login request the system reports error saying “Failed to get configuration file” event though the credential is correct
- IBM FileNet P8 Platform version 5.2 (or 5.0/5.1)
- WebSphere 8.5
- WorkplaceXT
- JRE at client machine: 7
Root Cause
There could be one of the following reasons:
- JSESSONId cookies are different for each request because HTTPOnlyCookies is enable.
- Java security at client site
To resolve, follow steps below to disable HTTPOnlyCookies. This is to resolve the issue for root cause #1.
- Check for “” in Security > Global Security > Custom properties. If found, delete it.
- Check for the custom property “” in Server > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server_name > Web Container Settings > Web Container > Custom properties. If found, delete it.
- Go to Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications > Workplace XT > Modules >Manage Modules > WorkplaceXT > Session Management.
- Under General Properties, check the box next to “Override session management” and click Apply.
- Enable cookies should be checked. Click the “Enable cookies” link in the Session tracking mechanism section.
- Under General properties, verify that Cookie name is set to JSESSIONID and uncheck “Restrict cookies to HTTPS sessions” and “Set session cookies to HTTPONly to help prevent cross-site scripting attacks” (WAS 8.x)
- Go to Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications > Workplace XT > Web Module Properties >Session Management.
- Under General Properties, check the box next to “Override session management” and click Apply.
- Enable cookies should be checked. Click the Enable cookies link in the Session tracking mechanism section.
- Under General properties, verify that the Cookie name is set to JSESSIONID and uncheck “Restrict cookies to HTTPS sessions” and “Set session cookies to HTTPONly to help prevent cross-site scripting attacks” (WAS 8.x) and click Apply.
- Save the changes to the master configuration and restart WebSphere. If the application is running in a cluster, all nodes and the deployment manager must be restarted.
- Clear the Java cache at the browser level
The root cause #2 is mostly happening on client machine which is running with JRE 7. To resolve it, make the following change
- Open file $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/
- Set “jdk.certpath.disabledAlgorithms=” (empty) instead of “jdk.certpath.disabledAlgorithms=MD2?
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